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Holy hell, yes. Probably the bane of many therapy seekers in the world. I’ve heard therapists making reasonable arguments for why the phone is better than e-mail, but i didn’t find them to be all that convincing. God, it took me so long to make that call.
Either way, try to see it as the first step in your therapy. It shows you are ready. That the urge to overcome is finally greater than the suffering and anxiety you are experiencing now. And try to focus on the fact that your fear and anxiety is MUCH MUCH worse than the actual experience of the phone call. It only gets easier, it will probably even feel like relief. It’s just a conversation between two humans. And most therapist have seen and heard pretty much everything.
I got two years therapy for depression, avoidance behavior and anxiety and it truly changed me for the better. It’s not magic, but it’s the best we got and i believe you can do it too! :red-fist: