No need to name your country or the party or any personal information that would give away your location.
As a USian, probably DSA (rad-lib), or CPUSA (leadership is revisionist, much of it’s probably based).
PSL and WWP are much better than either CPUSA or the Democrat shills at DSA.
No, I disagree with this as well; I find their constant attacks against my org to be annoying and, often, me and my comrades are essentially ignoring them while they focus on lobbing insults are way. I’ve often tried not to get involved in online arguments with them (well, except for one particular time that was a big exception), but they seem belligerent, even with other orgs, despite some very real issues that their org seems to have that they never even address when confronted about it. That’s what makes their tiff with us annoying, honestly.
I am asking just purely of curiosity, what makes PSL and WWP better than the CPUSA? Not taking either side here, just curious your reasoning.
The main thing for me is that they do not cling to the delusion that helping democrats in their electoral politics is going to achieve anything. Any party that wastes its time campaigning for democrats or democrat-affiliated politicians is not a serious communist party. That being said, i am aware that there are many good comrades in the CPUSA, but the overall strategy of the party at the national level seems to me at this time to be erroneous.
It was meant to make fun of trends at the times regarding Marxism and Marxism-Leninism.
In truth, this was how many communists in the USA and in the West thought, even if they changed since then. People are taking an article that was made in jest and turning it into something that it isn’t and it certainly doesn’t reflect the co-chair’s views now nor the National Committee of the party.
In truth, beyond that, I don’t think much of it, I suppose.