The owner of the meat processing plant was ordered to pay a whopping $1143 to a teen who lost his hand in a meat grinder
AmeriKKKa doesn’t have a left in its political system, only right and far right. Anywhere else in the world, liberalism is correctly viewed as the capital-serving, people-maiming right-wing ideology it is. Give it less than a decade and the GOP will have made “child labor in sawmills, mines and slaughterhouses is cool and good, actually” a bipartisan stance, just as they have normalized torture at blacksites, dronestriking civilians abroad, unprecedented mass surveilance on a scale never before known to man and internment camps on the border. You liberals have accepted all of these as the new status quo, you will do the same with child labor, as is evidenced by the fact that there is zero pushback against this from Democrats on the federal level. They’re just waiting until people get used to the latest atrocity, like they always do.
More that it wouldn’t happen. There’d be a criminal trial and actually serious fines, but I doubt execution would be on the table. That’s generally reserved for stuff like murder, treason, and schnif so on.
They executed people who killed babies with leaded milk a while ago, but those guys were also responsible for death.