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I don’t say this enough, but I am so fucking happy this website exists. My reddit browsing has gone down to a minimum (me_irl, notion sub, and that one art sub I mod are the only things keeping me there). It’s been great to be able to talk to comrades and not be constantly mad when I access the internet.
I wish this was just a fucking Vbulletin instead of this half-arsed reddit thing
I finally went through my reddit multis and made one with just the handful of subs I still care about, instead of going to all like a pigeon. So the existence of this site has actually managed to make reddit better for me too.
Also /r/hybridanimals just had weevil week and it was really cool.
me_irl and art comms should be a right, not a privilege. we need a revolution in the way that the chapo.mods fund new comms :yes:
I’ll happily mod the art comm, I got podcasts, resources, image packs and discussion posts I’d like to share, and i saw that the discord had plenty of active artists. I think me_irl would be nice. My one big question is if I won’t be adding to the problem of “more inactive comms”. I think one of the challenges we have to overcome is what’s causing possible inactivity in various comms and how to increase that.
Have ya’ll thought of adding “extra hard upvotes” similar to what reddit gold does? Instead of money, perhaps have a daily cooldown, so you can only “extra upvote” one or two threads a day?