Fucking no strike clause, what the FUCK
Liberals are fucking moronic scum, we have no freedom, we have no rights, we are granted no provisions for our betterment or even protection or basic decision making
I will destroy this evil land, I will spill the blood of oppressors and free my fellow workers from their chains
Man it’s amazing, I work with some super-right wing people- like borderline Q conspiracy nut jobs
But as long as I’m careful about with my phrasing, I can go almost full Marx on their ass and have them nod along. At least when it comes to labor issues.
Guys at my place have the thin blue flag on their trucks. I’m in a similar situation.
“Class solidarity”? Thats communist junk. “A win for you is a win for me”? Hell yeah, brother.
“The bourgeoisie’s interests can never align with the proletariat” might actually get me punched in the face. “The boss don’t give a shit about you” will get a “damn straight!”.