I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
I actually had a guy come into a store I used to work in, he came around closing… guy would not leave until I heard his salespitch about the flat earth…
A week later I learned he called corporate who demanded I be fired over refusing to hear him out. Manager told me he had no choice, fire me or get fired and have the replacement fire me.
It worked out though, Travis eventually left and the new manager couldn’t get anyone to stay… when he found my old file and how long I stayed he offered my job back.
I had found something closer, easier, and higher paying so I just laughed the offer off. I love my new gig
I knew someone who like to use flat Earthism to illustrate that there’s little point in debating someone who has no interest in being persuaded. He’d basically state the Earth is flat and use every rhetorical trick in the book to defend his position, exhaust his opponent, and then say, “Could you imagine how frustrated you’d be if I actually believed any of that?” He eventually got his DDS of all things, but I thought he’d make a good lawyer.
Well I got good news for you. This isn’t a planet. It’s a giant rug thats’s floating in space propelled by genie’s dark matter astro-projection that moves us at 9.8 meters/sec² and our world was created by an entity named God who’s 3 wishes to the genie was 1. to create this magnificient space rug to house 2. the people that will be spawned created on this wonderful place and will 3. forever worship God and his Magnificient Space Rug and that non-believers will have to suffer their entire life believing in the Round-Earth Conspiracy.
Thank God™ for helping us realize the truth. 🤓