I mean entire books have been written on the subject of how US oligarchs who own the government use the media to manipulate public opinion. Here are a couple you should read
- https://archive.org/details/inventingrealit000pare
- https://archive.org/details/pdfy-NekqfnoWIEuYgdZl
And the fact that the state in US is firmly in the hands of the oligarchs is made pretty clear by a study analyzing many decades of US policy
The fact that you don’t even recognize the propaganda you’re being subjected to further underscores how effective it is.
I don’t read very much US news. A bit of WP and occasionally CNN, but it’s certainly not where I get my news from. I don’t live in the US FWIW.
You still haven’t answered my question: Do you believe that the US press and the Chinese press is both lying to the same extent? Do you believe the US and Chinese press are in service of the state to the same extent?
I’m not disputing the press is influenced in the US. You keep speaking in absolutes though … I’m speaking about degrees. So let’s compare degrees, instead of saying “influenced” or “free” as some absolute binary measures.
If you live in the west then exact same dynamics apply. The media is owned by the oligarchs, and much of the media in all the western sphere is dominated by US.
And to answer your question it’s clear to anybody who follows news that US press lies to a far greater extent. The whole notion that privately owned press in the hands of the oligarchs is somehow more objective than government owned press has no basis in logic or reality.
I’m also not speaking in any absolutes, I’m simply telling you that objectively speaking there is plenty of evidence that western press regularly engages in outright misinformation and lies. Chinese press has a bias, because any press has a bias, but I’ve yet to see it spread conspiracy theories like Russiagate. This is a perfect example of a huge misinformation campaign orchestrated by western media that has been thoroughly debunked, yet large portion of western public still believes it and regurgitates it today. That’s just one example.