Been trying to upload photos using both Firefox mobile browser & Liftoff app, but both do not appear to be working.
Does not work when attempting to upload both as a post and uploading in post body.
Checked in other instances, and I am able to upload images there.
Do I need special permissions or something? Please let me know!
I took some screenshots of error messages, but obviously I am unable to upload then, so.
I just joined and yeah I’m getting this too. Can’t upload a profile avatar for me or for my community.
Just FYI: here’s the error for trying to upload a user and community profile pic: {"data":{"msg":"Required command magick not found, make sure it exists in pict-rs' $PATH","files":null},"state":"success"}
Slightly different error when trying to upload a banner image for my community: {"data":{"error":"rate_limit_error"},"state":"success"}