It fucking sucks.
Wikipedia has become a bulletin board for corporate and imperial interests under the watch of its Randian founder, Jimmy Wales, and the veteran US regime-change operative who heads the Wikimedia Foundation, Katherine Maher.
The primary editor of Wikipedia is a fascist named Steven Pruitt. Steven currently works for the Dept. of Customs and Border Protection, where he’s been for four years, and the 8 years before that he worked for TSA and ICE. For a little bit, he also worked in the Federal Judiciary and counseled on “federal ethics” (…Cute). He has active secret-level clearance with the DHS. He was literally a LEAD TRAINER with ICE, developing and implementing training strategies for kidnapping immigrants; he managed and coached teams on immigration detention methods (on “handl[ing] increases in workflow”) at field offices NATIONALLY. Before that he was a “travel coordinator” for ICE, making sure agents could hunt, hurt, and kill people more easily and smoothly. His primary passion outside of editing Wikipedia seems to be tracking down “illegal aliens” and other “violators” of the nationalist American way of life.
He is fucking gestapo. He is a nazi. People will argue a lot of what he’s done previously and does now is data/IT management and analysis… Ok, well, even if that’s true, what exactly IS the “data” tracking???
This isn’t a secret; it’s on his fucking LinkedIn. And if I see one more article praising him for the work he does to fix the “gender imbalance” on Wikipedia I’m going to LOST MY MIND. Why do you think that’s the narrative everywhere about him? Because HE CONTROLS A LOT OF INFORMATION PEOPLE INHERENTLY TRUST ONLINE. But he is the goddamn poster child of the “HIRE 👏 MORE 👏 WOMEN 👏 GUARDS 👏” meme.
Wikipedia can be a good source to start from, but you gotta know who writes & edits what you read. And you gotta take everything from the site with grain of salt. Especially the political stuff. Especially because Pruitt is openly anti-Communist, and creates explicit narratives against socialism and against the USSR and socialist governments, citing his mother being from the USSR… He’s actually been pretty open about the fact that he cares so much about his voluntary Wikipedia work BECAUSE he’s opposed to Communism, and does the work in support of “democracy” and “freedom of information”… But yeah, all this guy wants is to give people free access to knowledge and support women, right? What other agenda could there possibly be?