Unsurprising! So I guess meat and dairy products are going to become astronomically expensive?
The one thing that I can’t find is a palatable alternative to cheese. Are there any yet?
I linked this before, but in case you didn’t see it: https://i.stuff.co.nz/business/127521588/the-secret-to-the-perfect-dairy-free-cheese-could-lie-in-lab-grown-milk-protein
"The business is focusing on creating casein, a protein which will allow vegan food products to have the same sensory impact as real dairy products.
“There is a lot of potential for this process. You can ‘veganise’ any product that is traditionally dairy without changing anything for the consumer,” Miller says."
Thanks. Hadn’t seen that one, but have seen similar stories.
I personally don’t have a problem with ‘lab grown’ food, but I suspect some do. ‘Plant based’ is probably more palatable to the public opinion? I’m not sure if I want a lab grown food to necessarily replicate existing food, I’d rather just have good nutritious food that tastes good - plants do that already? Except for BACON, there is simply no substitute for BACON - sorry Miss Piggy@#@! If they make a lab grown BACON I’m all in!!!