The Pareto principle is an economics idea - something is considered Pareto efficient if you can make someone better off without making someone else worse off, and you are at a Pareto optimum when you can’t make anyone better off without making someone worse off. Of course, because “better off” and “worse off” are entirely up for interpretation, people argue that taxing the rich to improve the lives of the poor is not Pareto efficient because you’re worse off if you have less money regardless of how much money you have left. So the only Pareto efficient solution is to grow the economy until all the poor people make enough money.
this is easily solved:
- Propose, and take action towards, murdering the wealthiest 0.1% of the country
- Pause, and give them a chance to give up their money
See, now #2 is efficient, because the alternative is their immediate death, which would be worse than giving up money.
economists don’t want you to know this 1 neat trick
That’s really dumb. the end result is literally identical, because money would have to be worth less afterwards for the math to work.