According to right-wingers, I am an evil brown man terrorist. How about you?
My people were killed in the Holocaust. Hitler despised them so much there are chapters of Mien Kamf dedicated to how my people deserve extermination for being on the same level if not worse then Jews.
There’s your answer.
I get looks of disgust if I tell anyone where my family is from; if I speak my language; or say anything remotely positive about my people. This comes from Libs, the right, fascists, the whole lot.
To Americans I’m a rat commie bastard (ironically correct), who is probably a traitor (also correct), and deserves death because my people are a sworn enemy of the “free world”.
My family also got wonderful comments when they first came here, such as “Where’s your antennas? Don’t they install those on all the commies so the government can control them”? They weren’t being satirically racist. They were actually that moronic.
Belarusian, right? I think I remember you mentioning it once but I may be mistaken.
Ding Din Ding. Correct!
Which would make my ethnic group Slavic, and we know how much the Nazis loved Slavs. Plus, Belarus was part of the USSR, so they are automatic commies.