That, given the chance, always choose a smaller company: having a direct contact with the person that pays your salary gives you a better shot in terms of professional growth
The downside is that in smaller companies, assholes have a bigger impact on you.
Agree, I’ve been lucky (and persistent) enough to end up in an asshole-less workplace.
As they say “job interviews are both sided” and the smaller the company is, the more relevant the person interviewing you is gonna be for that company: that’s a good litmus test for what your potential workplace is going to be. I turned down many offers from people I had the feeling (or proof) they could be assholes.
Another downside with smaller companies is there not always room for you to grow or move up.
My situation. I was told unless someone retires there isn’t really a way to go up. The only reason I’m sticking around is because I have gotten decentish raises and benefits like them paying for all my personal gas. That said, 2 of the old timers retired and they just cut those positions. If I don’t get a bug raise or another position come my next year I’m gonna bounce.