Dude was walking up to police with his hand out. They keep killing my people. It’s so exhausting.
Edit: He might have a knife. I’m not sure if he does or if police are being scummy police.
Edit: Witnesses said he had a knife so that might just be true.
Have access to pepper spray
Have access to tasers
Have access to batons
Have the advantage of multiple officers to restrain one person
Still resort to lethal methods to deal with one person with a knife
On top of being murderous, cowardly little shits, they’re fucking incompetent as well. Fucking pathetic, poorly trained, trigger happy brainlets with a free license to murder whom they please. Death to Amerikkka and all its piggies. :acab:
The UK deals with 1000’s of knife incidents like this a year and they might kill 2-3 people.
Something is fucked in the US’s police training.
Something is fucked in the US’s police training.
Could be the fact that there is hardly any training. Developed countries have 3years+ of training.