I do mean it positively, but I can understand why you would get a negative reading. I was trying to illustrate how reducing words to their components and dismissing them like that is such a stupid thought terminating cliche. Botulism, anarchism, autism, midwesternism, descriptivism are all words ending in -ism but really do not refer to similar or comparable things. The deeper idea that subscribing to or employing an ideology inherently leads to failure, which the original comment asserted, has already been torn to shreds by others, so I targeted the less important but more annoying failure of thought. I should have more carefully selected my words, sorry.
Thank you for replying, and I’m sorry I read your comment in bad faith. I should know you better than that by now, and I apologize.
No worries. Like I said, I should have gone with botulism or descriptivism, to make sure there was no misreading.