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I’m used to people pointing out that I talk “funny”, but a recent acquaintance I let dribble into a budding friendship won’t drop it. I have the slightest feeling they are trying to bait me into revealing its all an act when it really isn’t. I’ve politely steered the conversation away everytime but now it’s getting uncomfortable and it’s making me want to end any sort of thing we had building.
Maybe, I’m just extra tired and shouldn’t have gone to lunch with them.
It’s hard to describe until you hear it, but most people say I sound fancy. As a kid I mumbled a lot and my mother would get horribly angry about it and scream and shout about “talking properly”, so as a result I talk slowly and have a bit of a news reader accent.
Sounds like an asset to me! In fact to some people that would sound kinda sexy.
I feel like anyone trying to point out you talk “funny”, over and over again, is verging on being a bully or insecure. Or just incredibly rude