The USA is willing to let other people kill people in Jakarta. The US military is not doing it themselves which is the difference here. The US DoD would have to sign off on the extrajudicial killings of Afghani civilians vs not engaging in war crimes to stop killing in Indonesia.
The rest of your post compounds on that ignorance.
Not sure why you’re drawing a magical difference between the US military telling its troops to do it and the US military telling some other troops to do it. Both are happening at the request of the US.
It’s extrajudicial BOTH WAYS you fucking dipshit. It’s not magically different. Both are extrajudicial.
Why the fuck are you treating it differently?? Answer the question.
The USA is willing to let other people kill people in Jakarta. The US military is not doing it themselves which is the difference here.
That’s not what the Jakarta method is, sorry but you don’t know what you’re talking about.
The rest of your post compounds on that ignorance.
You can try saying that but you have a giant gap in your history education, and with that, a fundamentally incomplete way of seeing and interpreting the world, and world events.
You don’t seem to be aware of Afghanistan pre-American intervention, the left direction of Afghanistan’s development (the sovietization of Afghanistan), its former place in the international socialist bloc, or the reasons driving the nation’s current relations with China.
Take a long look at America’s relationship to the UAE and Israeli right-bulwarks and the general relationship and co-operation between the Soviets and the Islamic regions of the world. For whatever mistakes they made there were strong bonds between Soviets and Islam and together they would have built the middle east into the center of the advanced world again. The eastern republics would have landed on the Lunar South pole well before India did this month.
The US has no interest in mutual and internationalist development, the entire core logic of the American project is post-colonial extraction. There aren’t sufficient democratic structures of enough robustness and sophistication to steer the project otherwise. Underlying any and all decisions by the American state is nothing and only capital.
The Jakarta method was when 1 million people were murdered by the Indonesian military. Why aren’t you blaming the Indonesian government for that as they very willingly took part? It’s the sane situation the USA isn’t killing these people and asking why they don’t stop it is asking why the USA isn’t the world police.
The Jakarta method, underselling it, describes US collaboration with right-wing capitalist governments to violently suppress left-wing organizing toward the transition to a socialist economy and mode of production. The Jakarta method differs from previous interventions with a wildly increased emphasis on daily terror, sexual violence and raising home-grown colonial-born, American trained, armed, and funded, equivalents of Weimar Germany’s Freikorp via the convergence of interests between liberals (capitalists) and fascists (capitalists).
You’re outing yourself by either not knowing, or purposely omitting, the role of the PKI, the world’s largest Communist Party outside of China and the Soviet Union. A varied but ultimately democratic socialist organization historically defined and remembered by and because of its pacifism, and self-disarmament.
This Party came in the wave of the Soviet-aligned post-war wave of anti-colonial revolutions and class consciousness that supported solidified after the Soviet defeat of the newcomer fascist bloc of capital (as opposed to the incumbent ‘liberal’ bloc of capital) during the second world war. Their destruction came after a string of successful resistances to American anti-socialist intervention immediately after the war. In Eastern Europe, in Korea and in Vietnam. The Jakarta method describes a more sophisticated, and wildly more violent and shocking, fascist response to the left-wing self-organization of former-colonial subject states. An intensity and volume of bloodshed, sexual violence, terrorism, and lies that you’re repeating to this day.
Repeating because of something as simple and flimsy as an address on a spreadsheet.
Edit: and yes communists and anti-colonialists have for what you’re describing, they’re called collaborators. You’re describing the administrative state that’s left in place to manage the flow of commodities and western capital during both formal colonial occupation and the imperialist post-colonial period of capital penetration.
Oh I an aware of how the extremely small and unpopular communist movement within Afghanistan forced its jackboots down the throats of the working people of Afghanistan.
I get that you are a communist and thus almost certainly really bad at thinking but do you think the military is pulling the triggers themselves instead of those they arm and train?
What do you call drone striking weddings and funerals? What else would you call the murder of children? Bombing a hospital to rubble surely isn’t extrajudicial murder at the hands of American soldiers? Forgive me for linking wikipedia, but strafing civilians including journalists with attack helicopters must count as extrajudicial murders by the hands of American troops
You are a clown.
I’m really curious as to how you think militaries operate. Draw me a picture.
The US actively backed Suharto to coup the democratically elected government of Indonesia and then western press ran apologia for both the military coup and the murder of 1 million communists, feminists and ethnic minorities by the aforementioned unelected US backed military dictatorship
So what you’re saying is, if I were to hire a hitman to take out your sorry white cracker ass, I would be completely justified and be free of any blame?