I have a question.
communism wasn’t achievable in simple societies, primitive communism was, as the historical epoch changed, the modes of production changed, there felt a need for a system that could make better use of the modes of production as thought of by the people in that historical context. the modes of production and historical epoch changed in a similar way, from slavery to feudal, semi-feudal colonies to capitalism. the historical transformation occurs during a period where contradictions within the system has reached to such an extent that it becomes impossible for the system to self-sustain.
I’m gonna read this 3 more times, and maybe I’ll understand it. Okay, I think I understand. The modes of production determine the system employed dependent on historical context. So the mode of production can change because the current system (capitalism) is unsustainable. I’m sure Socialism is inevitable, but still not sure that true communism will follow. Maybe it’s a failure of my imagination and education, that given enough time communism will be inevitable too.
socialism is the lower stage of communism with “true communism” being the final stage. its either communism or extinction, because when the lower stage of communism is achieved, it is basically doomed for the world as it is right now, given climate change disasters at its peak, to revert back to capitalist mode of production
Definitely. Socialism is the future. My question is whether that can eventually transition to true communism? Or whether it would be difficult to implement on such a large scale (worldwide). China seems best equipped to shepherd this. But a world wide change is a lot to ask.