Image description: meme with the “so true” soyjak meme format.
Panel one: flag of zionist entity, soyjak who represents trans people, the pride flag, Palestine maoists?, Sockdems, Ieland says: Fuck off! I don’t believe in this zionist imperialist nonsense.
Panel two: kurdish flag, same soy from earlier: omg! Wholesome “indigenous” self determination!
Poor self care and discipline while always getting into the business of others?
It feels like a situation where a person can’t even take care of themselves, but demand that they be the arbiter and center of the conversation and morality.
A big nose is pretty much pure race propaganda, but a poor shave and ill fitting glasses is pretty universal.
But that’s still innate to a person and pretty unchangeable unless you take extreme measures ( random surgery is not self care). Plus a poor shave is pretty universal, a nose shape is not.
Well, now does taking care of your looks relate to political opinions in any way? Also your idea of pretty universal is nah