Source: NOKIA BL-4C (by IWSE Zhang - ArtStation)
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Something like this? :)
Source: 架空ガジェット - 穂積窓声
fictitious gadget
must be physically heavy
oh hell yeah, but I was more wondering about the old 8 inch floppy floppy disks
Weirdly, a thing like this did briefly exist. Meet the Sony Data Discman.
I had a sony discman (yes I know it is not the same but you reminded me of it). Remember the brief period of technological innovation in noskip features?
That’s awesome!
Hi-res version of that picture
Source Blast from the Past: Sony Data Discman - The Digital Reader.
And one photo with the discs
Source: 有了大屏智能手机 电纸书的价值何在?_掌阅 iReader电纸书_苹果评测-中关村在线