What about “Trial episodes where they should have actual legal counsel and not make it up as they go along”?
I think that’s in a more general category of “Picard yells about morality or something”, includes the “four lights” episodes too.
Seriously, the strongest force in the TNG universe is Picard yelling at someone. That’s why the Borg assimilated him. But… their… cadence… is all wrong.
Agreed. Whether it was one on Enterprise or an alien planet, etc. Ex: When Worf asks Picard to represent him as his Cha’Dlch on Qo’noS, the crewman who had a partial Romulan lineage on trial and later the witch hunt turns to Picard as a traitor, Q puts humanity on trial, when Riker is tasked to prove Data is not sentient, etc. This subject definitely needs a slice in the pie.