dillo gang?
The culture wars are so advanced and 3D by now that whenever I see a techbro criticize Firefox, I assume they’re doing it to punish Mozilla EG “go woke go broke” because they fired a homophobic dick and are openly SJW-ish.
Drew is not a right-winger. Assuming so — even when the post doesn’t touch on that at all — is an issue with your intellectual attitude, not anything else.
“Mozilla published a statement siding with Google on anti-trust, failing to disclose the fact that Google pays to keep their lights on” This is so incorrect I’m assuming bad faith. Google is shit but Oracle is triple shit. If the SCOTUS sides with Oracle it will be disastrous for all FOSS development.
How is the antitrust lawsuit related to Oracle v. Google? He is referencing this article which is pure Google bootlicking. Also, it is true that Google mostly bankrolls Mozilla and has for a long time. Their royalties in 2014 were 90% from Google
“Raised executive pay 400% as their market share declined 85%” - this is so incorrect I’m assuming bad faith. Mozilla was paying their execs like 10% of the industry standard, and now pay them 40% of the industry standard. Capitalism is awful but this isn’t an example of incompetence or looting by the ruling class, it was to retain talent.
Talent? At the C-level? :agony-turbo:
At least we can agree that executives, at Mozilla or not, are generally overpaid.