Please do. I’m getting really tired of people complaining about stuff they can never point to.
Probably because most people don’t go around saving copies of these examples. You notice it make a mental note and then forget until someone brings it up again.
I sure as hell don’t go around documenting everything that bothers me about a tv show. In fact I usually do the opposite and try to ignore them.
Probably because most people don’t go around saving copies of these examples.
I didn’t ask for copies. I asked for a single example. Not multiple, not a list, one. A single example to back up this complaint and there was nothing other than extremely vague hand waves saying “Oh I remember it happening in this super vague sphere of time. Don’t remember who said it or when it was said or what was said. But I know it happened.” It is not on me to decipher your nonsensical complaints. It is on you to provide evidence and examples of these complaints. Otherwise you’re just screaming about something you can’t prove or even point to.
So you can go around and forget all the examples but you don’t then get to complain about it being guilty of something when you cannot provide the evidence. If you want to complain about something breaking lore or canon then you must provide the example. It is not on us to prove a negative and prove something doesn’t exist. Moreover, what is your point here? If you openly forget stuff that bothers you then how can you be trusted at all when it comes to your complaints? It just backs up my point of needing an example even more.
Stop kicking the responsibility. Accept the fact that it is yours to back up your complaints. Not anyone elses. It is yours. So you either come with receipts or you don’t start anything. I’m really tired of hearing you all run rampant with your complaints and never being able to back it up. I’d be glad to have a discussion and even admit that I’m wrong. You refuse to provide that opportunity.
So either put up or shut up. I’m tired of the bullshit.