I think you can be sure we’ve all suffered sufficient Sequences to get this
Software you write can have a “belief” as well. The course I took on it had us write Kalman filters, where you start with some estimate of a quantity. That estimate is your “belief”, and you have a variance as well.
this is an abuse of language. words have meanings, and those aren’t them. To be clear, are you claiming the course taught you that software has beliefs, or is this a projection of your beliefs onto the course material?
No literally the course material has the word “belief”. It means “at this instant what is the estimate of ground truth”.
Those shaky blue lines that show where your Tesla on autopilot thinks the lane is? That’s it’s belief.
English and software have lots of overloaded terms.
Alright I know you’re temp banned but let’s just leave this to remind you that - whatever your opinion of philosophers - in a territorial pissing match between philosophers and…a software course you took one time…the philosophers, who between them have a very different and would you believe it somewhat richer account of doxa (look at that, it’s even in Greek), probably have kind of an edge here.