Still downloading for me, but I see more than one review saying it takes a long time to get good. I’m keeping my expectations low.
Starfield really does look and run great.
Run great? Absolutely not.
I get 120fps in Elden Ring at medium, 2070, 64gb ram, i9-12900k.
Just got done with Armored Core, rock solid 144fps at medium all the way through, never a blip.
This runs at 30fps on lowest settings. It runs like absolute crap. It’s incredibly jarring to go from games that are gorgeous and well made with high performance to this thing running like something 20 years ago. Absolutely zero optimisation.
It will get a seriously negative response from the average pc user when user reviews start hitting due to this performance.
Best comparison I’ve heard (by Gopher, if I recall correctly) is Outer Worlds, but less silly, and bigger by several orders of magnitude.