Not joking by the way, this was made by a conservative artist
Original twitter post:
It is incredibly common for political comments to exaggerate stuff as a form of humor. It happens on both sides. This comment section doesn’t seem to know that
That would imply that the artist is willing to fun of some part of his ideology. But a lot of his other comics can be boiled down to the usual “I, the conservative chad, destroy the screaming nonsensifal leftist”.
They do have a sort of “so bad its good” vibe to them that I doubt is intentional. Like the biden sucking the blackness out of a girl one or him getting 3 women pregnant Kenshiro style. Or in a meta level, making a “gas prices are good but everything else sucks now and its the left’s fault” comic almost immediately after making a “everything sucks now because gas prices are too high and its the left’s fault” comic