You’re not beating the allegations, you’re treating this the same way a nationalist would. If you don’t see the irrelevance of historical anecdotes here, well, I guess that explains why you’re a tankie.
Haz, Maupin, Dore and all their sphere are fascist. One guy literally went through being an “anti-imperialist” tankie to going to Tucker Carlson and talking about how wokeness is destroying West or something. Even in comments here I see tankies gladly buying and spreading Russian bullshit about Ukrainians being Nazis. Or how when I recently mentioned Russia making genocidal policies against trans people, a lot of people from a tankie sub began whataboutisming me about that. The fact that you totally ignored my larger point (tankie community producing fascists), which you apparently know about and “dunk all the time” on. The fact that you tried to deflect from that by bringing up 50-years-old historical anecdotes which are irrelevant to this particular context. It’s in the same vein as when Israel tries to deflect from accusation of fascism and apartheid by bringing up antisemitism and Holocaust. Of course, what Israel does is much worse than being a breeding ground for online fascists, but the mechanism of deflection here is similar. Don’t try to strawman me on this. No matter which honorable or victimized identity you use, this remains a deflection.
You really need to start using real words for things. You are using “tankie” to describe everything under the sun right now and I literally have no idea what you’re saying anymore.