This is a little love letter to my PS4.
I bought it refurbished three years ago for a little bit more than 120 bucks. This was my first Sony device! I already had an Xbox 360 from 2013 and a Switch from 2017.
My first game was Detroit: Become Human. What an experience!
I played the Uncharted series for the first time. Then The Last of Us 1 and 2. I thought I was a grumpy old gamer but man, TLoU is something else.
And then I got PSVR! So many crazy nights playing Beat Saber, Skyrim VR and Superhot VR.
I love being a patient gamer. And I love my PS4. I still have so many games to play through and it just keeps on chugging along.
I don’t think Steam Deck is going to get a revision any time soon. Actually, I don’t think Steam Deck is going to get any revision.
On the other hand, they are clearly brewing something for PS5…
I don’t think Steam Deck is going to get any revision.
This is a valid statement… But I don’t want to believe it.
Yeah I was more inclined to the expected revision for the PS5… But I still think if Valve wanna stick with the game they’d approach this with a better handheld (at the moment I just can think of keeping the same performance but making it a bit tinier), by no means I am saying current Steam Deck needs desperately a revision right now, I’m just comparing it with the timing when I would be finally able to get one lol.