People in the west should stop this madness …hek whom am I kidding ,they won’t .
41 comments, can’t see any of them. That doesn’t bode well.
Two 3-month-old accounts that were giving one-liners like “Let Russia has what it wants, then we’ll have peace in our time”, or “Ukraine can do whatever it wants”, or “Russia won’t launch its nukes because the West has nukes, so pushing them is OK”. Last I checked they were crying whataboutism and trying to semantics troll.
yeah libs took over , most got deleted. Should have been there. It shows the real mainstream mentality of westerners
Yeah, they swarm like flies to shit when anything negative about the west is mentioned. Of course, these people are often the same “US is bad too BUT!” crowd as well.
“ok all the terribly bad things we did are not a good look, but better us than those gommies”
Which reeks terribly of “Your Honor, they were going to be assaulted anyway so I guess did them a favour”