I fear for the future. 7.5% of the population is muslim, and it is reported that 30% of them consider the Sharia to come before French law. So many calls to murder will inevitably result in terrorist attacks, leading to purges and far right violence, and they will use these tools to repress left-wingers too. I also enjoy this very cool and good tweet calling for genocide to own the libs; as well as the turkish thugs attacking armenians.
Fuck religion and ultra-nationalism man, not even once.
The future is Singapore/Chinese style strong handed approach to any problems involving religion and ethnic matter. Get ready to have the government up your ass at all times even more then now
Unironically this. We let the situation become this bad for what ? 40 years now ? There are zones where arabs and diverse minorities live in squalor, and nothing has been done for them ever. When your material conditions suck, people inevitably turn to extremism, and these guys happen to be mostly muslim, so colour me surprised when these zones become breeding grounds for ISIS.
Europe is gonna pull a China with reeducation camps and monitoring on every sidewalk and I’ll love to see the politicians back track. No China stan, but getting the grubs who are politicans to squirm will be worth it.