but broadcasting depictions of mohammed on gov buildings generally has no good outcomes to it, its only intention is to ruffle feathers.
Did we forget that the return and expansion of “radical Islam” was a direct result of western intervention in emerging Middle Eastern SSR’s? That the violent and brutal forces of reaction were directly funded and supported by the US state department in an attempt to cripple the development of socialism in the region? That to this day terrorism is still being directly funded and controlled by western powers against socialists.
This situation is clearly a result of religious radicalization coupled with poor material conditions. Just think about how many fundamentalists in America would snap and turn into extremists. It’s not a specifically Islamic thing.
The purpose of religious extremism is to serve as a catch of false consciousness, to re-direct anyone who’s beginning to understand that their conditions are shit and turn them into a tool of oppression against others who are gaining consciousness.
And I agree about stopping the inflammatory bullshit. It’s in bad taste. Especially because there isn’t any sort of racial equality. It’s a joke at their expense.
i agree 100% with you. the other user, who i guess got banned lol, was being annoying but i was hoping i could get them to understand what they’re saying in good faith, oh well. i mean we already have fundamentalists in america who snap and turn to extremists, and then kill people. if france wants to address the problem with islamic extremism in their own country they have to grapple with their past do something to hit the core of the issue. obv reeducation camps could work but you would have to try to tightrope deradicalization with allowing them to preserve their culture. thats ostensibly what china is doing, though who knows exactly whats going on there, im sure its probably better than whatever france could come up with.
blasting depictions of the prophet in response to this is just ludicrous. all it does is give french racists a smug feeling for being “cultured” while actually being responsible for a rise in extremism and violence. not only is it horrible and racist, its also stupid.
Yep, also you can’t deradicalize without also fixing the initial problem of poor material conditions. Just arresting people and telling at them to not be terrorists isn’t going to work. Would be cool to actually have legitimate reporting about China’s de-radicalization programs in the west, but I guess the intelligence agencies have no interest in deradicalization. It’s a tool that they aren’t willing to part with.