- old-lemmy.fmhy.net - mlmym frontend
- a-lemmy.fmhy.net - Alexandrite frontend
- m-lemmy.fmhy.net - Voyager frontend
- p-lemmy.fmhy.net - Photon frontend
If you don’t like the layout of regular Lemmy, feel free to use these :) (They can also be used for instances other than ours. Except for mlmym, they only have a single instance mode and no default instance config)
And in case you’re wondering why we aren’t using old.lemmy
, a.lemmy
etc instead…
…it’s because CF wants money for that and I’m not paying for that shit lmao
With how cloudflare is setup, there technically is, but it’s also bullshit. Basically they have two certificates for SSL (which allows for https): example.com
and *.example.com
. These cover everything from example.com
to superlongsubdomain.example.com
, but NOT, say, a.b.example.com
. That would require something like *.b.example.com
This is kinda BS though, as certificates are pretty much free nowadays. I guess it saves on server load? But it’s so minimal that there really is no reason to charge for it, especially not with a monthly subscription. ($120/yr for certs!!)