the first wave’s bed shortage was solved with significant shutdowns in combination with the weather getting hotter and we’re not getting that this time. not to mention regular flu season is coming. looks bad, folks
I’m so curious to see what happens to the medical system. It’s already staffed and supplied to the barest minimum levels. The workers were already burned out to the point of striking in early summer. Despite having a fair amount of experience in the field, I wouldn’t go back for the starvation wages they pay now with the added certainty of constant exposure. Even the performative bullshit of the daily clappers wore off so now there is only the resentment people feel toward NHS workers. Outpatient procedures make up like 50% of hospitals’ revenue and the largest hospital in my area had to reschedule a 10 minute outpatient procedure three times now due to the virus, and the first thing they’ll cut is their workforce. As the political collapse continues, skilled nurses and doctors are on the occupation lists accepted by most countries you’d want to flee to.
Thanks for sabotaging the effort for universal healthcare, Democrats.
More austerity will come.
Cuomo in NY bragged to the media that he wasn’t going to allow a pandemic to stop him from budget cuts and massive slashes to medicaid.
This entire pandemic has been a rude awakening for the US after decades of neoliberal austerity in defunding institutions and stripping them. Despite all the wealth the US has, it’s in the billionaire class. Our government since the Reagan era has been pushing their military and police budgets through the roof at the expense of stripping everything else. What we’ve ended up with is a highly authoritarian country with a militarized police and war industry, while we lack healthcare and other benefits.
DAE that in a socialist health-care system we could just train more and more healthcare workers until we had so fucking many of them they worked on like week on/week off schedules and shit?