Confirmed by AP news here (go directly to slide 4 in the slideshow for more information)
For those who don’t want to click the link:
Formed in 1943, it was largely destroyed in the battle of Brody
Completely unsurprising lmfao. The majority of SS volunteer formations absolutely sucked in combat, exceptions being for example “Nordland” but their actions were completely reckless and suicidal, achieving nothing in return. “Galizien” was among the terrible ones, units like these were good in nothing else than “anti partisan activities”, and that often means pure war crimes – hanging suspected partisans, surrendered partisans or general combat with irregular units, where the Germans conducted their war with no rules whatsoever. But when the time to face the actual Red Army came, these units were almost always utterly swept aside by the Soviets. After a good few days of intense beatings, their remnants would pull back and reorganize far from the front, where they resumed “anti partisan activities”. “Galizien” took part in supressing the Slovak National Uprising, which they did by massacring civilians.
Also being volunteer formations make every single soldier absolutely guilty of every terrible action their units did, if some soldiers were forced into service there might be an argument, but there isn’t, because each one of these fucks knew what they were doing. I am glad the Red Army brought ultimate justice to these pieces of shit, althrough this one might have slipped away.
And he slipped away to Canada like a fucking rat. And years later, Canada would give this fuck a standing ovation. Canada. Ask Canadian WW2 vets what they thought of the SS, ask any of their Normandy vets what they would do to any prisoner belonging to the “SS Hitlerjugend” division, this unit has a very particular history with Canadians. The SS commited numerous war crimes against Canadian troops in WW2, and these motherfuckers are now giving them standing ovations? Man fuck the west, fuck every bit of this worthless concept. Fuck all liberals, motherfuckers are an insult even to their own history.