As a recently radicalized baby-lefty I’ve been thinking about this a lot
“the idea of a “moment” of radicalization is liberalism and connotes that people need this singular moment of experience or persuasion whereby they enter the class conscious state.”
fair point, just goes to show that my perspective was influenced by my own experience, thanks for pointing it out because now I’m aware :D
So I guess the real question would be “What’s your personal history with leftism?”
Thanks! Geography asks: “what is happening where, and why is it happening there?”
The field can roughly be divided into physical geography and human geography, the latter of which is a social science.
David Harvey is a human geographer at the CUNY Grad Center, and a foremost expert on Kapital. His lectures on Marx’s Kapital are all freely available on YouTube and worth checking out. He’s also written extensively on Neoliberalism and late capitalism.