EDIT: JT has now finished. Thank you all for coming. The thread will remain open for chats to finish then we’ll be locking it for preservation at some point after 24 hours. Thank you JT for joining us!
JT will be answering questions below, due to a scheduled appointment that couldn’t be changed he will be starting a little late, answers will begin roughly 1 hour after the post starts.
Like usual there are no strict time limits set for this so JT will come and go as and when his time allows, if he doesn’t get to your questions be patient! This post will be edited here when things end.
JT’s posting account for AMAs is: @Secondthought_JT .
Be sure to check out The Deprogram if you haven’t already! Available wherever you listen to podcasts.
The Deprogram | Second Thought | First Thought
will we ever see the elusive third thought? we’ve gotten the second, and now the first as well, but the people demand a third!
jokes aside, do you have any good advice for putting marxism in simple terms, or how to respond when people dont give you a starting point? i find i can explain things decently well when im asked about specifics but when people show interest but dont have much background knowledge, i kinda freeze up, which makes things difficult when trying to represent an organization (young communist league of canada, in my case)
Always start with vibes. People respond much better to vibes than dusty old facts and figures. From there, there will be something they latch onto. That is the point where you can recommend a video or book or podcast. It’s different for every person you talk to, but my channel (shameless plug) and Blowback are great places for newbies to learn more