So like a lot of posts on here this is just anger bait missing important context
I can understand the anger in why deletion was even a topic to be discussed in the first place. Cause it embarrasses us???
There’s a lot of dumbass comments and suggestions all over the internet. Why dig for them and give them more publicity just to stoke anger?
The real Documenting a new wave of fascist apologia in the west was the friends we made along the way
Hurr hurr why oppose things ever just ignore them hurr hurr I’m sure failure to oppose things won’t hasn’t had any negative consequences in the last 50 years of rising fascism hurr hurr.
The “important context” was that there was even a discussion about deletion in the first place, demonstrating that neo-nazis agitation has seeped into every corner of the internet
Frankly if you consider that “bait” or something not worth getting angry about then that says something about you