Heh. Eventually you’ll get used to the fact people here can be rude or obnoxious at times and realise that this behaviour is really something that can be overlooked 99% of the time. Liberals want you to hate this behaviour and to socially reject it because, as flawed as it is, it’s common among the poor and working class working through emotions, having hard days, and generally just acting out. They want you to adhere to a set of socially defined rules created by the upper and middle income groups that reject and marginalise the people in society that are having the hardest time. This behaviour however is not the problem, the problem is bigotry, racism, hatred of the poor, hatred of the marginalised, and the inherent methods through which these people are marginalised and through which the liberals maintain the status quo of their marginalisation.
Learn to ignore the tone with which something is said and instead to look at the merit and content of what they are saying. Keep the person behind the words in mind, think about what they may be going through or have gone through in order to end up the way they are. In particular keep this in mind for when you come across a trans or black person who will inevitably say something that shocks you about the violent retribution they feel some people in this world deserve. Many of them have been through hell, many of us have lost people, it’s not really a game out there.
Yeah there’s some obnoxious behaviours here. But the goals people have? We want to build a better world, they want something considerably worse.
I appreciate the write up. I admit I’ve been burnt out on interactions with people on the internet for a while now. I see people express something I agree with online but have become jaded from a a decade or two of real world experiences. Just want to make a positive change but don’t know how.
Just want to make a positive change but don’t know how.
I love the text, but it was made for members of an organized party of communist revolutionaries. It’s not really an intro text.