Sidenote, I really enjoyed the Report starting Adam Driver. One downside was it painted Feinstein as a heroine when she was absolutely complicit in torture.
which party was it who’s responsibility it is to curb the police again? Is it the “Law and Order” GOP wearing their thin blue line punisher neck-ties, or the “Defunding the police is a Republican idea” Democrats? Which button do I pres in the ballot box to “curb the police”? I forget.
Well you see, there are actually seventeen thousand viable single-issue parties and you get to vote them in based on what you don’t like about the current system.
Founding fathers create first-past-the-post voting system
Refuse to change it
GeOrGe WaShInGtOn SaId PoLiTiCaL pArTiEs ArE bAd! Don’t form factions!