Home Plate on Lombard Street in San Francisco has a similar policy, reported SFGate. Signs posted around the restaurant and on the menu asked diners to “Please Drink Responsibly. $50 cleaning fee per person for any incident incur as a result of intoxication.”
Other brunch restaurants in the Bay Area use “mimosa fairies,” servers devoted to monitoring the intake of guests.
Which type of liberalism is this?
Reminder that alcoholism is a very serious problem in america that runs parallel to the opioid epidemic but doesn’t get the media coverage because drinking is socially accepted.
Don’t worry, I’ll alleviate my anxieties about the opioid and alcohol epidemics by smoking copious amounts of weed every single day, also as a way to cope with my loneliness and stress and the chronic pain I experience from lack of reliable access to health care
This is sustainable and healthy