Make sure it’s not too general, please!
I love seeing movies where an apartment/house previously seen as inhabited turns out to look completely different without the implication of someone freshly moving out or be completely abadonned for too long to had looked like this at the time of previous insepction.
Movie I know of where it has happened
They Cloned Tyrone had this happen and I loved it so much.
I think I remember seeing this trope at least twice in some horror movies, but I don’t remember their titles. It always gets my attention.
As a plumber I haven’t yet seen a movie/commercial with a realistic plumbing scene and the inaccuracies drives me crazy.
My two “favourite” ones are when they’re using a giant wrench to tighten the p-trap under the sink and then water starts spraying everywhere as if there’s pressurized water in the sewer lines. Another one is when smoke sets up spriklers and usually all of them at the same time. Also that the water coming out of those is always clean (it’s black sludge in reality)
As a musician, most scenes with characters “playing” an instrument are ridiculous. I mean, they do all this research for rolls, but they can’t be bothered to figure how to put their mouth on the instrument and some basic things that make it look like they’re really playing?
I want a plumbing scene to look like a hacking scene.
Extremely plumberman voice: I’m in