Here’s mine:
Trump loses but declares election interference and tries to stay in office, Trump is assassinated, ensuing chaos develops into civil war
To repeat what I posted on the megathread: when/if Biden wins, Trump will bitch and deny it for a while, but will ultimately give up and go out with a whimper. QAnon followers will then conclude that since Trump, as they understand him, would never simply surrender to the deep state without doing the Storm, the Trump who leaves the White House cannot be the real Trump, but only a clone. The real Trump will of course be in occultation, waiting for the right moment to return and execute Barack Obama and Nellie Ohr, but he will still communicate with the faithful indirectly through his da’i. There will also be a Zaidi/Khawarij sect who believe that it really was Trump, but that by conceding office he annulled his right to be Trump, and that the mantle of Donald Trump has now passed to another scion of the Ahl al-Bayt, possibly Barron.
Fast-forward to 2045, the aftermath of the Third American Civil War. The Southeast is under the dominion of the Rojasid Successorate, ruled by the son of Scotty the Kid, who revealed in the midst of the last war that he was not just the emissary of the hidden Barron, but in fact Barron himself, and therefore the rightful president. Every year, thousands make the pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago, where they throw bad food at an effigy of Graydon Carter and drive a golf cart seven times between different holes.