Round 1: 200 votes for Jordan
Round 2: 199 votes for Jordan
Round 3: 194 votes for Jordan
Additional detractors this round:
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA): Jordan round 2, McHenry round 3
Tom Kean Jr. (R-NY): Jordan round 2, McCarthy round 3
Marc Molinaro (R-NY): Jordan round 2, Zeldin round 3
Other GOP changes:
Wesley Hunt (R-TX): Jordan round 2, absent round 3
Derrick Van Orden (R-WI): Jordan round 2, absent round 3
I don’t know if that’s a good idea honestly. First, they’d be giving up winnable seats in the future. Second, it’d be Democrats in charge of a republican controlled house. Sure, they could put up things they want for a vote, but stupid people would now think they’re responsible for the nothing that gets done. Letting Republicans tear each other apart is probably better politically without major concessions.