I’m slowly starting Rust for Rustaceans, and it’s already poking holes in my understanding of Rust. Here’s a couple initial questions I have:
A shared reference, &T is , as the name implies, a pointer that may be shared. Any number of references may exist to the same value, and each shared reference is Copy, so you can trivially make more of them
I don’t understand why a shared reference has to implement copy. In fact, isn’t this not true just by the fact that references work for Strings and Strings size can’t be known at compile time?
- I’m having trouble with the idea of assigning a new value to a mutable reference.
let mut x = Box::new(42); *x = 84;
Why in this example, is the assignment dereferenced. Why not just do x=84? is it dereferenced specifically because is Boxed on the heap?
A reference IS Copy, by the simple fact that it is a primitive value on the stack.
This seems a bit misleading, noting that unique/mutable references aren’t Copy
. Shared references are Copy
because it’s sound to have that, and it’s a huge QOL improvement over the alternative.