In case you’re wondering why he’d admit to that, his first tweet in this thread was “Trump is very bad because he sucked at overthrowing Maduro and thus empowered an evil dictatorship”
Drumpf=Putin=Communist energy
Hmm, haven’t heard that claim specifically. The funny thing is that Maduro’s right wing opponents would probably cut or lessen those benefits, so voting for them kind of would entail that, maybe you heard a propaganda spin of that logic? Like look at this NYT coverage: they frame it in such a scary way. He’s “controlling” the food, he’s “enticing” the poor to vote for him in exchange for food. Another way of looking at it is that Maduro is promising benefits to the poor, who in austerity governments…don’t get much help? Is that a bad thing? Of course, with the economic crisis, there are Venezuelans who are malnourished, not discounting that.
There’s so much propaganda, it’s hard to keep track. Another good thing to watch is this critique of John Oliver’s segment on Venezuela by Mike Prysner, as an example of the misinformation. Also this and the links in the comments.
i was thinking about this article where a guy claims he was fired for not voting for maduro
i heard the claims that he said something along the lines of ‘if i dont win your benefits will be cut’ but like, thats because his opposition party are running on a platform of austerity so thats, yeah, just true.
i had someone claim to me that the people who voted for him got food and those who didn’t vote for him didn’t get food, and tried to explain that it has to do more with the makeup and class of people who support him to no avail.
Oh huh, hadn’t read that story. I really recommend the RWN episode I linked above, because it does seem like there are some not great things that Maduro’s gov’t has done, it’s just that it’s not like they are more corrupt than the surrounding countries. A lot of US leftist discourse on Venezuela is one sided because the goal is to fight against all the propaganda and repeated coup attempts, which is good in that it might convince some Americans to not celebrate how their gov’t keeps trying to start a civil war there, but bad in trying to figure out what exactly is true.
there was also some story about cuban doctors who wouldn’t treat people until they agreed to vote for maduro. idk, the whole thing is fishy to me though im sure the govt has done some fishy things.
thanks for the links, im watching the prysner video right now and will get to the rwn one tomorrow.