- Georgia
- Michigan
- Ohio State
- Florida State
- Washington
- Oregon (+2)
- Texas
- Alabama (+1)
- Penn State (+1)
- chokelahoma (-4)
- Ole Miss (+1)
- Notre Dame (+2)
- LSU (+2)
- Missouri (+2)
- Louisville (+3)
- Oregon State (-5)
- Air Force (+2)
- Utah (-5)
- Tennessee (+2)
- UCLA (+3)
- Tulane (+1)
- Kansas (new)
- James Madison (+2)
- Kansas State (new)
Others receiving votes: Oklahoma State, North Carolina, Liberty, Fresno State, Miami (FL), Arizona, Toledo, Rutgers
Dropped out: North Carolina, Duke
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View all comments The voters evidently don’t want to play with the ACC anymore, and have turned their attention instead to the sunflower state