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We played it on Friday night I thought it was OK. Not bad not great just kind of background music.
Understandable. I ended up buying the vinyl for it. Though had to get it through their actual website which cost me $44 inclu. shipping, as the local Australian store that they’re partnered with sold out (JB Hi-Fi also doesn’t have it). So more expensive, but it’s the clear version and considering that that included shipping… not bad.
But yeah, mum and I love it. But I also understand why some might be apprehensive about it.
I think when you buy albums they have a special meaning to the purchaser. I’m not an album person, I’m more of an individual song person if that makes sense but if you were a Beatles fan I can totally understand why you would buy it.
BTW we play a lot of Beatles on a Friday night because they make great drunken sing-alongs.
I’ve only somewhat recently-ish gotten into vinyl records. My first vinyl was actually Visions of Bodies Being Burned by Clipping. But I’ve always eyed the Yellow Submarine vinyl for YEARS but never getting it because a) Centrelink money and b) we didn’t have a record until I got mum one for Christmas two or so years ago. But I actually recently bought it and am super happy with it (Yellow Submarine was the first song my Nana introduced me to so it’s pretty sentimental for my love of The Beatles but also my Nana, but funnily enough, Yellow Submarine isn’t my favourite album).
That is true, good plan there. Mum and I will often belt out Beatles or Queen when we’re driving together.