It changed Russia from a tsarist empire into a global socialist superpower within decades.
Let their courage and vision for a better world inspire us in our own journeys towards a communist world.
In an illegal dismantlement forced by The West with a subsequent capitalist shock therapy in which millions died and even more millions saw their quality of life decline drastically.
I also love how these imbeciles always bring up the fact that USSR dissolved as some kind of gotcha, like see communism doesn’t work I’m so intelligent. As if no capitalist regime has ever collapsed due to its internal contradictions. The reality is that every type of system has potential to fail in some way. The question that actually needs to be asked is how well the system functions while it’s working as intended.
USSR managed to provide everyone with things like food, housing, education, and healthcare. Nobody in USSR worried that they’d lose their job and end up on the street or that they couldn’t retire in dignity. These are basic things that no capitalist regime is able to accomplish today. These are real tangible rights and freedoms that USSR ensured for its people.
Former soviet republics still have a far better literacy score, more doctors per capita, and a more equal representation of women in sciences and academics than many Western capitalist countries.
higher homeownership rates too, i think.
i know, i know, owning your home is bondage and renting is freedom, but still.