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I’ve come to really dislike Neal Stephenson’s books over the past few years, not just because he writes for redditors, but because he creates these incredibly accurate portrayals of our collapsing world and doesn’t seem to have a problem with them.
Nothing too much in the way of cyberpunk really, besides Gibson. I’m kind of outdated, tbh. I just read all of Becky Chambers stuff that was recommended in this thread. I quite enjoyed them. And like I recommended in that thread you can’t really go wrong with The Culture series.
Termination shock wasnt even good or interesting. With books like Seveneves and Anathema it’s easy to power through because at least the premise was interesting. In Termination shock I never even got to the interesting part because the intro was so long and boring.
I found the first half of Seveneves so unpleasant and uncomfortable to read. What was the point of this slog through the most awful, terrible events, just to see literally everyone suffer a nightmarish, horrifying death? I mostly like Stephenson books, but he seems to have a thing for just imagining people going through awful experiences.