At this point, does it even matter what their spin doctors and their strategic autopsies conclude? If an electoral system only presents two options against genocide: feverish support, or guilty complicitness then it’s fucking useless, it belongs in the garbage. It sucks that it took me a genocide to really really recognize how useless partisan electoralism is, because it’s hard to dispell the illusion that maybe it’ll give you some crumbs if the right guy comes along. Nope, not even in the face of genocide will it cede an inch.
They can line up along party lines because it spurs controversy, which increases turnout and publicity. There’s plenty of money floating to both sides to balance that out.
Our cowardly, self-serving politicians won’t dare bite the hand that feeds them. The Mossad is our second pair of eyes in the Middle East, and Israeli backed AIPAC money runs deep in American politics.